
BBC Earth Experience

BBC Earth experience

y=f(x) lab designed and developed four different themed interactive installations for the BBC Earth Experience in London and Melbourne!

Coral Reef: Watch it Come Alive!

Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of our Coral Reef exhibit.
By combining the cutting edge capabilities of Unreal Engine and Touchdesigner, we’ve engineered an environment where your calmness breathes life into the coral. 
The less you move, the more vibrant the marine life becomes, unfolding a mesmerizing underwater ballet right before your eyes.

Bait Ball: Nature's Ballet!

Dive into the heart of the ocean with our Bait Ball exhibit.
Simulated in real time, this display captures the natural defense mechanism of small schooling fish. Move around, and observe the delicate balance as predators will be triggered to your motion.

Bioluminescence: Create Your Own Light!

Enter the magical enchanting world of bioluminescence, where living organisms emit a captivating glow. Your movements in front of the screen reveal this magical phenomenon, offering a glimpse into the beauty hidden beneath the ocean's surface.

Bubbles: Float to the Top!

Explore the joy of interaction at our Bubbles installation. Your silhouette transforms into a bubble silhouette on an 8-meter screen, and the more you engage, the higher your bubble silhouette swims up. It's a playful journey to the top.

Project: BBC Earth Experience
Mooneye production & Tinker
Concept experience & AV design:
AV supplier:
Faber & Ampco Flashlight 

🎥 Hanzo Schwarz and Luke Brian
